Delicious Iced Cappuccino Recipe to Try Today

Looking for a delicious and refreshing pick-me-up that won’t derail your sugar-free lifestyle? Look no further than this easy iced cappuccino recipe! With just a few simple ingredients and some basic equipment, you can whip up a rich, creamy, and utterly decadent iced cappuccino that’s free of added sugars and packed with flavor. Whether you’re trying to cut back on refined carbs, counting calories, or just looking for a healthier way to indulge your coffee cravings, this sugar-free cappuccino recipe is the perfect choice.

But don’t just take my word for it! This easy iced cappuccino recipe has garnered rave reviews from coffee lovers all over the world. Whether you’re sipping it on a hot summer day or treating yourself to a midday snack, this icy beverage is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving you feeling weighed down. So why wait? Follow along with me as I walk you through the step-by-step instructions for making the perfect sugar-free cappuccino at home. Get ready to become your own personal barista and enjoy the best iced cappuccino of your life!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Easy Iced Cappuccino - Sugar Free
Easy Iced Cappuccino – Sugar Free

Are you a fan of creamy and frothy cappuccino, but looking for a way to enjoy it without the added sugar? Look no further than this easy iced cappuccino recipe that is not only delicious, but also sugar-free!

This recipe is perfect for those who want to indulge in their favorite coffee beverage without the added guilt. By using Splenda granular instead of sugar and low-fat milk, you can enjoy a refreshing and creamy beverage without worrying about excessive calories.

What’s more, this recipe is incredibly easy to make with just a few simple steps. All you need are some instant coffee granules, warm water, ice cubes, and milk to make this delicious sugar-free iced cappuccino right at home.

Don’t have any instant coffee on hand? No problem! You can easily substitute for strong brewed coffee or espresso shots instead. Plus, with the option to add additional flavors such as cocoa powder or vanilla extract, you can customize your iced cappuccino any way you like.

So why settle for a generic sugary drink when you can make your own delicious and healthy iced cappuccino right in the comfort of your own home? Try out this easy sugar-free recipe today and experience the creamy and frothy goodness of an iced cappuccino without the guilt!

Ingredient List

Before making this easy iced cappuccino, ensure that you have all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen. Below is a detailed list of the ingredients you will need:

  • 2 tbsp Instant coffee granules
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Splenda granular (sugar substitute)
  • 1 cup Warm water
  • 2 cups Low-fat milk
  • Ice cubes

Note: If desired, other sugar substitutes such as monk fruit or brown sugar can be used as sugar alternatives. Also, almond milk can be an excellent substitute for low-fat milk.

The Recipe How-To

Now, it’s time to put all these ingredients to use and create the perfect easy iced cappuccino that you will fall in love with every sip. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Make the Coffee

First, combine the instant coffee granules with warm water or milk (not hot) along with 1 tsp cocoa powder, and 1 ½ tbsp of Splenda granular (or Monk fruit), whisking until smooth. Brew a strong cup of coffee using instant coffee or espresso and pour it into the jar with the mixture.

Step 2: Blend Smooth

Next, add ice cubes to your blender, followed by the cold milk (low-fat milk is ideal for this recipe). Then pour in the sweetened coffee mixture from jar on top. Blend on high speed until smooth, creamy and well-coated in foam.

Step 3: Serve and Enjoy!

Pour the homemade iced cappuccino into a tall glass filled with ice cubes. Top it off with a thick layer of milk foam made by whisking about half a cup of cold milk until frothy.

You now have great-tasting sugar-free cappuccino that beats any store-bought beverage any day! Don’t forget to share your experience and enjoy your delicious drink.

Substitutions and Variations

This easy iced cappuccino recipe is already sugar-free, but there are other substitutions and variations you can try to make it even more tailored to your preferences.

Firstly, for those who prefer almond milk, this recipe works just as well with a 2:1 ratio of almond milk to warm water instead of regular milk. You can also use low-fat or fat-free milk if you want a lighter option.

If you’re not a fan of Splenda granular, try monk fruit sweetener instead – it’s another sugar-free option that doesn’t have an aftertaste. For those who love cocoa powder, you can add a tablespoon or two to give the iced cappuccino a mocha twist.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, you can turn this iced cappuccino recipe into a caramel macchiato-inspired concoction by adding a tablespoon of brown sugar and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract to your warm water before adding the instant coffee granules. Another variation is to replace the instant coffee granules with cold brew coffee or double up on espresso shots for an extra caffeine boost.

For those who don’t have an espresso machine or prefer not to use instant coffee, you can also try using Dalgona Coffee recipe by beating one tablespoon each of instant coffee, sugar, and hot water together until a light foam forms. Then pour it over cold milk and ice for an easy homemade iced cappuccino without needing any kind of special equipment.

That being said, feel free to experiment with other flavors and ingredients to suit your taste buds – this easy iced cappuccino recipe is versatile enough for any twist!

Serving and Pairing

This easy iced cappuccino sugar-free recipe is perfect for a refreshing break on a hot day. The light and creamy taste pairs deliciously with breakfast pastries or light snacks such as fruit, granola or yogurt. It is also an excellent choice to serve as a dessert after dinner.

The recipe yields one full cup of cold refreshing goodness, perfect for sipping on the go or enjoying on a patio. You can customize the recipe with different sweeteners such as monk fruit or maple syrup if Splenda granular is not your cup of tea.

If you want to experiment with the recipe further, try adding 1 tbsp of cocoa powder for a chocolatey taste. You can also create an alcoholic version by adding your favorite liquor.

To take your homemade iced cappuccino to the next level, try topping it with whipped cream, drizzles of low carb caramel syrup or vanilla iced swirls. A sprinkle of cinnamon on top will add a subtle spice that complements this drink perfectly.

Overall, this easy iced cappuccino sugar-free recipe is simple yet versatile and can be enjoyed in multiple ways at any time of day.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

Nothing beats the refreshing taste of an Iced Cappuccino on a hot summer day, and with this easy iced cappuccino sugar-free recipe, you can make it in advance and store it for later. Here’s how you can make-ahead, store and reheat your iced cappuccino.

To make-ahead, simply follow the recipe instructions and pour the prepared drink into an airtight container. Store the container in your refrigerator for up to 24 hours before enjoying your delicious cold drink. While storing, make sure it is kept cool, as it tends to separate into layers. If the drink separates, give it a good shake or stir before serving.

If you have some leftovers that you want to store, I suggest pouring them into ice cube trays and freezing them. You can use these frozen cubes to add an extra kick of flavor to your next homemade iced cappuccino.

Reheating your prepared iced cappuccino is not recommended as it is meant to be enjoyed cold. However, if you still want to consume it hot or warm, just heat it up in a small saucepan over low heat while continually stirring until heated through.

Whether you’re planning a small get-together or just prefer being able to sip on chilled drinks throughout the day, this make-ahead storing and reheating option will help you enjoy your sugar-free Iced Cappuccino with minimum effort.

Tips for Perfect Results

If you want to achieve the perfect iced cappuccino every single time, here are a few tips that you can follow:

1. Use Cold Milk: The temperature of the milk is crucial when making a cappuccino. To achieve a perfectly creamy texture and a thick layer of milk foam on top, make sure to use cold low-fat milk.

2. Add Ice Cubes at the End: Adding ice cubes earlier than needed can dilute the coffee and make it less flavorful. Instead, pour the mixture over ice cubes at the end.

3. Use Good Quality Instant Coffee: One of the key ingredients in this recipe is instant coffee granules. Look for high-quality instant coffee to ensure the best taste.

4. Don’t Over Blend: While blending, make sure you don’t overdo it. Over blending may ruin the consistency and texture of your iced cappuccino.

5. Increase Sweetness According to Your Taste: This recipe uses Splenda Granular as a sweetener since it is sugar-free. However, if you want your drink to be sweeter, add more sweetener according to your taste preference.

6. Experiment with Different Flavors: You can experiment with different flavors based on your preference like monk fruit, cocoa powder or even maple syrup.

7. Chill Ingredients Before Mixing: If you have the time, consider chilling your espresso shots and cold milk beforehand for better results.

By following these simple tips, you can make an easy iced cappuccino at home that tastes just like it came from a coffee shop!


As you begin experimenting with this easy iced cappuccino recipe, you may come across some questions and concerns. So to give you a carefree experience making and savoring your homemade iced cappuccino, here are some frequently asked questions and answers that can help you out along the way.

Can you get a cappuccino without sugar?

Believe it or not, sugar-free cappuccino is a real thing! The classic recipe for this beverage involves combining a shot of espresso with low-fat milk or a non-dairy substitute, all without adding any sugar.

Can you do Iced Cappuccino?

If you’re a coffee lover craving a cool and refreshing caffeinated beverage, an iced cappuccino is worth trying. This delicious coffee drink consists of a shot of espresso, a splash of milk, ice, and an optional sweetener. Though it’s often compared to an iced latte, the main difference between the two is that an iced cappuccino has a frothy topping of cold foam on the espresso. In other words, a typical iced cappuccino at Starbucks features a little bit of milk in the espresso, with cold foam on top. Sounds delicious, right? Well, making a homemade iced cappuccino may seem intimidating, but it’s simpler than you think.

[How to make an Iced Cappuccino]
Gather your tools and ingredients before starting the process. For this recipe, you’ll need an espresso shot, milk, ice, and (optional) sweetener. Additionally, you’ll require a coffee tamper, an espresso machine, a frothing pitcher, and a shaker.

One shot of espresso usually constitutes 30 ml, but depending on the size of your glass, you can use more or less than that. Once you’ve got your espresso shot ready, pour it into the glass you’re using. Fill your shaker with ice, leaving some room for milk. Add a small amount of sweetener if you’d like at this point. Then, pour the desired amount of milk into the shaker. Use the frothing pitcher to mix the milk and ice until they’re well combined.

Finally, pour your frothed milk and ice mixture directly into your glass, taking care not to spill any of the frothy goodness. If you’ve added sweetener, make sure that it’s fully incorporated before drinking. Now gaze at your delicious creation, snap a pic for the gram, and take a sip. Enjoy!

[Helpful tips]
The quality of your ingredients can make or break your iced cappuccino. Use freshly roasted coffee beans and high-quality milk whenever possible. Additionally, the proper technique when frothing the milk plays a significant role in creating the perfect cappuccino texture. To achieve this, use a frothing pitcher with a narrow spout to yield microfoam.

Remember that the sweetness of your cappuccino is all up to you. Some people like it plain, while others like it with a generous amount of syrup. If you’re not a fan of traditional sweeteners, try adding honey or vanilla extract for an alternative burst of sweetness.

Finally, experiment with different types of milk to bring variety to your cappuccinos. In particular, oat milk, almond milk, and soy milk can create a unique flavor profile that you might love.

In conclusion, making an iced cappuccino couldn’t be more accessible with these simple steps. The key to success is using fresh and high-quality ingredients, taking a good look at the proper frothing technique, and experimenting with different sweeteners and milk. Although they’re often compared to iced lattes, the frothy topping of cold foam makes iced cappuccinos an even more special and delectable treat. So go ahead and try making one at home to impress your taste buds!

How to make Dunkin Donuts Iced Cappuccino?

As an experienced barista, my go-to recipe for a classic espresso drink is a Hot Cappuccino. It combines rich espresso with steamed milk, creating a frothy and bold taste that is sure to satisfy your cravings. We then add a thick layer of milk foam on top, making it perfect for a chilly day or to start a morning off right.

For those who prefer an iced coffee, an Iced Cappuccino is a refreshing option. It’s made by mixing espresso with cold milk, pouring it over ice, and topping it with a thick layer of milk foam. This simple yet delicious recipe offers a smooth and creamy taste, perfect for cooling down on a hot day.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the easy iced cappuccino sugar-free recipe is a perfect alternative to the traditional sugar-loaded icy drinks. With simple ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, anyone can make their own iced cappuccino at home without breaking a sweat. This recipe is perfect for those looking to cut down on sugar while still indulging in their favorite icy beverages.

The low fat milk and Splenda granular make for a healthier option without compromising on taste. The addition of cocoa powder and instant coffee granules give an added depth of flavor to the cappuccino, making it taste just like the real deal.

By making this easy iced cappuccino recipe at home, you not only save money but also have complete control over what’s going into your drink. You can customize the drink to your liking and add your own variations to make the drink even more unique.

So, why not switch up your drink routine and try this delicious easy iced cappuccino sugar-free recipe at home today? Trust us; once you try it, you’ll never go back to the sugary store-bought alternatives.

Easy Iced Cappuccino – Sugar Free Recipe

I have not tried this recipe. I got this recipe from Splenda. I plan to use decaff coffee.

  • 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
  • 1 teaspoon Splenda granular
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 6 fluid ounces cold milk
  1. In sealable jar, combine instant coffee, SPLENDA® Granulated Sweetener, and warm water.
  2. Cover the jar and shake until it is foamy.
  3. Pour into a glass full of ice. Fill the glass with milk.
  4. Adjust to taste if necessary.
< 15 Mins, Beverages, Easy

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