Delicious Vanilla Caramel Syrup: A Perfect Topping

Welcome to the world of coffee enthusiasts! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re looking to add some flavor and warmth to your daily coffee routine. Well, look no further because I have a recipe that’s sure to please – Vanilla Caramel Syrup!

As a barista with years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how a simple syrup can transform a cup of coffee into a decadent treat. And trust me, this vanilla caramel syrup recipe will become your new best friend in the kitchen.

Whether you’re a fan of espresso drinks like caramel macchiatos and lattes, or you prefer your coffee iced with some sweetener, this versatile vanilla caramel syrup will take your beverage game to the next level.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to make the best damn homemade caramel syrup you’ve ever tasted!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Vanilla Caramel Syrup - For Coffee or Espresso
Vanilla Caramel Syrup – For Coffee or Espresso

Are you a coffee lover looking for a new way to add flavor to your morning cup? Look no further than this Vanilla Caramel Syrup recipe. This homemade syrup is perfect for bringing out the sweet flavors in your favorite coffee or espresso drinks.

Made with only three simple ingredients – vanilla extract, hot water, and dark brown sugar – this recipe is both easy and budget-friendly. Not only that, but it’s also incredibly versatile. Whether you prefer a hot caramel macchiato or an iced vanilla latte, this syrup can elevate any coffee beverage.

But what truly sets this recipe apart is the perfect balance of vanilla and caramel flavors. The addition of vanilla beans and a pinch of salt gives the syrup a subtle yet complex taste that blends perfectly with the rich sweetness of caramel.

Plus, making your own syrup means you control the ingredients, avoiding any unwanted additives or artificial flavors commonly found in store-bought syrups. And with our helpful tips and variations, you can tailor the recipe to your own preferences.

So why settle for plain coffee when you can level up your morning routine with a delicious homemade Vanilla Caramel Syrup? Your taste buds (and wallet) will thank you.

Ingredient List

 A drizzle of sweetness to elevate your coffee game
A drizzle of sweetness to elevate your coffee game

Ingredients for Vanilla Caramel Syrup

Here are the 3 ingredients you need to create this rich and luscious homemade caramel vanilla syrup:

  • Dark brown sugar: 1 1/2 cups
  • Hot water: 2 cups
  • Vanilla extract or vanilla beans: 1 tablespoon or the scraped seeds of 1 vanilla bean.

Optional addition:
Salt: a pinch

Make sure to use dark brown sugar instead of regular granulated sugar for a deeper flavor. The hot water will help dissolve the sugar and extract flavors from the vanilla extract or vanilla beans. If you want to add a slight salty dimension, just sprinkle a pinch of salt.

The Recipe How-To

 Make your mornings better with this homemade syrup
Make your mornings better with this homemade syrup

Now that you have gathered the ingredients required for making this delectable Vanilla Caramel Syrup, it’s time to follow the recipe procedure to make it right. Trust me, the recipe for this caramel syrup coffee is simple and easy. The recipe process requires only three ingredients and about twenty minutes of your time.

Steps on How to Make Vanilla Caramel Syrup
Step 1: Combine the Ingredients

The first step is to dissolve the sugar in hot water. In a saucepan, add one cup of granulated sugar and half a cup of dark brown sugar over medium heat until it has dissolved completely. Then, stir in half a cup of water into the sugar mixture until it dissolves.

Step 2: Add Flavorings

When you see that the mixture is forming bubbles, reduce the heat and add one tablespoon of vanilla extract(to give your syrup fragrance), a pinch of salt, and two tablespoons of caramel syrup to sweeten.

Step 3: Continue Stirring

Stir continuously all ingredients present carefully until all components are well-mixed. Be careful not to burn or boil the mixture.

Step 4: Let it Cool Down

When fully mixed, take away from heat and let it cool down for about 5-10 minutes. You may pour it Into a glass jar and place it inside your fridge or use right away.


You can always adjust your Vanilla Caramel Syrup taste with vanilla extract or syrup depending on your preference. If you desire more sweetness or a richer vanilla aroma(we know some people are vanilla aficionados), feel free to add an extra tablespoon. Also, don’t shy away from trying out different variations such as salted caramel, vanilla iced coffee or mixing in ice cream(oh yes!) to give a twist on taste.

Congratulations! Now you have made Vanilla Caramel Syrup without difficulties for your coffee/ espresso recipe at home or work. Pour well into your coffee mug or glass coffee containers(Glass containers make the perfect fix during summer). You are good to go with homemade Starbucks latte macchiato, iced latte, oat milk shaken espresso or caramel macchiato(“mmmm” says our tastebuds!).

Substitutions and Variations

 Vanilla and caramel marry in perfect harmony
Vanilla and caramel marry in perfect harmony

There are many ways to tweak this Vanilla Caramel Syrup recipe to create a drink that meets your particular tastes. Here are some suggestions:

Replace the dark brown sugar with regular granulated sugar for a lighter caramel flavor.

Add a pinch of salt to bring out the complexity of the caramel flavor.

For a less sweet drink, reduce the amount of sugar by half.

Substitute vanilla beans for vanilla extract to give your drink an authentic, gourmet touch.

Mix in a bit of salted caramel syrup for a unique twist on the classic Vanilla Caramel flavor.

Try experimenting with different types of milk, such as whole milk, almond milk, and oat milk, to find the perfect balance of creaminess and sweetness.

For an iced coffee version, simply pour the syrup over ice and add cold milk or cream. You can also top it off with whipped cream and drizzle some caramel sauce on top.

To make a Caramel Macchiato, add a tablespoon of vanilla syrup and 2 tablespoons of caramel sauce to a cup. Add freshly brewed espresso and stir. Then pour frothed milk on top and drizzle more caramel sauce on top.

Whether you prefer hot or iced, these variations will take your Vanilla Caramel Syrup game to the next level. Don’t be afraid to try something new and indulge in your creativity!

Serving and Pairing

 Meet your new favorite coffee companion
Meet your new favorite coffee companion

Once you have made your delicious vanilla caramel syrup, you are probably wondering how to enjoy it to the fullest. There are countless ways to use this syrup, but a popular option is with coffee or espresso. You can add the syrup to your coffee or espresso for an instant upgrade or use it to make hybrid beverages like Caramel Macchiato or Vanilla Latte Macchiato.

To create a simple Vanilla Caramel Latte, heat up 2 cups of whole milk and add 1-2 tablespoons of your vanilla caramel syrup. Then brew a shot of espresso and pour it on top of the milk mixture. Lastly, drizzle some caramel sauce over the top and enjoy!

If hot coffee drinks aren’t your thing, you can also enjoy this syrup in cold beverages like iced coffee or milkshakes. Add a tablespoon of vanilla caramel syrup to your iced coffee for an instant sweetness boost or blend it into an ice cream milkshake for an indulgent dessert-like beverage.

If you prefer dairy-free options, you can use oat milk instead of whole milk in your latte, milkshake or iced coffee. Oatmilk Shaken Espresso with vanilla caramel syrup is a trendy substitute for Starbucks’ Caramel Macchiato.

In conclusion, vanilla caramel syrup is among the most versatile syrups out there that pairs well with many drinks and desserts. So feel free to experiment and find what tickles your palate!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A simple recipe that can transform your cup of Joe
A simple recipe that can transform your cup of Joe

If you’re making this vanilla caramel syrup for future use or storing leftovers, there are a few things to consider. The good news is that this syrup can be made ahead of time and stored for up to one month.

To store this vanilla caramel syrup, first let it cool down completely before pouring the syrup into an airtight container. Store the container in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it. It’s best to use a glass jar or container, as plastic may affect the quality of the syrup.

Reheating the vanilla caramel syrup is easy! Simply remove the container from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can heat it up on low heat in a saucepan on the stove, stirring until it’s smooth and warm.

One thing to keep in mind is that over time, sugar can crystallize and form granules in the syrup. If this happens, simply reheat the syrup and stir until the sugar has dissolved again.

This homemade vanilla caramel syrup can also be frozen for longer-term storage. To freeze, let the syrup cool down completely before transferring it into a freezer-safe container or ice cube tray. Frozen vanilla caramel syrup can last up to six months.

Overall, making your own vanilla caramel syrup will vastly improve your coffee experience–it’s worth taking a little extra care when storing and reheating!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving the house
Satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving the house

When making the perfect vanilla caramel syrup for your coffee or espresso, there are a few tips that can help you achieve the best results. Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your homemade caramel syrup:

1. Use high-quality ingredients

The flavor of your homemade caramel syrup relies heavily on the quality of the ingredients you use. Always choose fresh vanilla beans or high-quality vanilla extract, and use dark brown sugar instead of regular sugar for a richer flavor.

2. Don’t rush the caramelization process

Making caramel requires patience and attention to detail. It’s essential to let the sugar dissolve and caramelize slowly to prevent burning and get that perfect amber color.

3. Add a pinch of salt

A tiny addition of salt can transform the taste of your homemade caramel syrup from good to great. The salt enhances the flavors and makes them pop.

4. Cool your syrup properly

After taking your homemade caramel syrup off the heat, it is important to let it cool down completely before transferring it into a container. This will prevent any steam build-up in the container, causing unwanted moisture that can ruin your syrup’s consistency.

5. Adjust sweetness and thickness to personal preference

You can adjust the sweetness and thickness of your vanilla caramel syrup by adding more or less sugar or increasing or reducing the boiling time. You can also adjust its consistency by adding hot water to thin it out or simmering it longer to thicken it up.

By following these tips, you will be able to make a delicious homemade vanilla caramel syrup that’s perfect for any coffee, espresso, or even drizzling on top of ice cream!


As a barista, I understand that making a Vanilla Caramel Syrup can be challenging for beginners. Therefore, I have compiled some frequently asked questions to help you get perfect results every time. Let’s dive in!

How much caramel syrup should I put in my coffee?

Attention baristas! When mixing the water into the caramel, handle with care as it can splatter. Remember to gently stir in the vanilla and a small amount of salt to enhance the flavor. For optimal taste, allow the syrup to cool completely before adding to your coffee. For every 8 ounces of coffee, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of this irresistible syrup.

Does caramel syrup taste good in coffee?

Creating a homemade Caramel Syrup is a simple and delightful way to add sweetness to your favorite coffee or tea. In only three easy steps and using minimal ingredients, you can create a flavorful butterscotch caramel syrup that can also complement baked goods, pancakes, and even ice cream. My go-to preference is drizzling a dose of caramel syrup into my coffee to enhance its flavor profile. So, let’s get started and craft a delectable caramel syrup together.

Can you put vanilla syrup in hot coffee?

Are you a coffee lover craving for some sweet vanilla goodness in your drink? Look no further! Follow these simple instructions to make a delicious hot coffee with a touch of vanilla syrup.

First, prepare a mug of your favorite coffee. It could be a freshly brewed one or a leftover from your morning pot. Whatever it is, make sure it’s hot and ready to be sipped.

Next, grab your bottle of vanilla syrup and add about a tablespoon to your coffee. If you prefer a stronger or milder vanilla flavor, adjust the amount accordingly. Mix it well with a spoon or stirrer.

Now, it’s time to personalize your drink with your preferred creamer. You can go for the classic milk or cream, or opt for a non-dairy alternative like almond or oat milk. If you’re feeling bold, try it black with just the vanilla syrup!

Finally, sit back, relax, and enjoy the satisfying taste of your homemade hot coffee with vanilla syrup. It’s a simple yet indulgent treat that’s perfect for any time of the day.

What caramel syrup does Starbucks use?

The caramel syrup and sauce used in beverages at Starbucks are labeled with the brand name of the coffeehouse. However, it is widely believed that these products are produced by Fontana.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this Vanilla Caramel Syrup recipe is a game-changer for coffee and espresso lovers. With just three simple ingredients, you can make a homemade caramel sauce that will enhance the taste of your coffee or espresso. This recipe also allows for substitutions and variations to suit your preferences, making it a versatile choice for every coffee lover.

The vanilla extract and beans added to the recipe provide an exquisitely rich flavor and aroma that pairs well with hot or iced coffee, frappes, and even ice cream. Additionally, the recipe’s simplicity allows for easy preparation and even storage if you want some on hand for the future.

Learning how to make caramel syrup opens up a world of possibilities – from the classic Caramel Macchiato to Starbucks-inspired lattes and other drinks that you can customize according to your taste. Not only does this recipe save you money by creating café-quality drinks in the comfort of your home, but it also presents an opportunity to impress loved ones with your barista skills.

In summary, give this Vanilla Caramel Syrup a try if you haven’t already. You surely won’t regret it!

Vanilla Caramel Syrup – For Coffee or Espresso Recipe

This will replace the expensive syrup you buy to make flavored coffee or espresso. I think it is as good as “Torani” or “Davinci”. This recipe will nearly fill an empty 23 oz. bottle.

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 2 cups hot water (from your tap)
  • 2 vanilla beans
  • 6 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 6 teaspoons caramel extract
  1. Slice vanilla beans lengthwise with a sharp knife, use sharp edge of knife to scrape out the inside of the bean against the cutting board.
  2. Put the scrapings and the outer beans in a sauce pan.
  3. Put all other ingredients in the pan and heat on low stirring often for about 10 minutes.
  4. Turn heat up to medium for a few more minutes (3-5) stirring constantly.
  5. Do not boil.
  6. Filter your hot syrup through a Melitta and coffee filter or through a strainer and cheese cloth.
  7. This is to remove the bean skins and any sediment.
  8. Cool syrup and pour into a tall glass bottle, an old wine bottle or empty coffee syrup bottles work great and are the right size.
< 30 Mins, Beverages, Stove Top

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