Creamy Delight: Cappuccino Royales Recipe

Are you a coffee lover looking for a new way to enjoy your caffeine fix? Look no further than my Cappuccino Royales recipe! This delectable drink is the perfect blend of rich espresso, creamy milk, and sweet flavors. Trust me, once you try one, you’ll never want to go back to a plain old latte.

But don’t just take my word for it. As a barista with years of experience, I’ve seen countless customers fall in love with this drink. The combination of the strong espresso and the sweet syrup is irresistible. And with the addition of brandy or rum, this cappuccino royal can give you that extra warmth and comfort on a chilly evening.

Plus, making these drinks at home is easier than you might think. With just a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen tools, you can whip up a batch of Cappuccino Royales in no time at all. So why wait? Let’s get brewing!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Cappuccino Royales
Cappuccino Royales

If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll absolutely fall in love with the Cappuccino Royales recipe. These little treats are much more than your regular cup of joe. With a mixture of flavors like instant coffee, rum, and creme de cacao, these royales have an incredible taste that will give you a new appreciation for coffee.

One of the things that make this recipe unique is its versatility. You can enjoy it as a warm drink on a chilly morning or even serve it as a dessert at your next dinner party. Plus, with the option to add flavored syrup or even chocolate chips to the mix, there are endless possibilities to customize these royales to be exactly how you like them.

Not only is this drink delicious, but it’s also easy to make. You won’t need any fancy equipment or devices – just simple ingredients like eggs, butter, and hot water. Whether you’re a seasoned barista or just learning about coffee and cooking, this cappuccino royale recipe is easy to follow and perfect for any level of experience in the kitchen.

And lastly, this drink tastes just like something you’d have at your favorite local cafe. Without spending $5 at a coffee shop, you can now make your own sweet and delightful cups of cappuccino royales right at home whenever you want. So why not impress yourself and others with a homemade deliciousness that will keep everyone happy?

Ingredient List

 The perfect cappuccino with a modern twist 🍵
The perfect cappuccino with a modern twist 🍵

Here’s what you need to make Cappuccino Royales:

  • 2 cups instant coffee
  • 2 teaspoons espresso powder
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3 tablespoons rum extract
  • 3 cups cappuccino mix
  • 2 cups butter, melted
  • 4 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 cups half-and-half
  • 1/2 cup brandy or dark creme de cacao
  • Flavored syrup for cappuccino, if desired

Most of these ingredients are probably already in your pantry or refrigerators. You can find the flavored syrup in your local grocery store, and it’s best to use the best-flavored syrup that caters to your taste buds. The perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness is in this recipe, so no additional sweeteners are needed. Plus, the combination of instant coffee with freshly brewed espresso creates a flavorful and aromatic taste that will surely satisfy your caffeine cravings.

The Recipe How-To

 These cappuccino royales are like drinking a cozy hug ☕️
These cappuccino royales are like drinking a cozy hug ☕️

Let’s Make Some Cappuccino Royales!

You have come to the most exciting and delicious part of this recipe article. In this section, I will share with you the step-by-step process of making your own cappuccino royales from scratch. Be ready to impress your friends and family with your barista skills.

Ingredients You’ll Need:

Before we proceed with the recipe how-to, ensure that you have all the ingredients needed:

  • 4 cups of instant coffee
  • 3 cups of granulated sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups of butter (melted)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 3 tablespoons of rum or brandy
  • ½ cup of freshly brewed espresso
  • Flavoring syrup for cappuccino (optional)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Chocolate shavings or sprinkles (optional)


  1. Combine the instant coffee, granulated sugar, eggs, melted butter, vanilla extract, and rum or brandy in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Use an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth and creamy.
  3. Add half a cup of freshly brewed espresso and mix again.
  4. Combine the whipped cream with some flavoring syrup for cappuccino if you’d like to add extra flavor.
  5. Fill two-thirds of six cappuccino cups with the mixture then top each cup off with a generous amount of flavored whipped cream.
  6. Decorate each cup with chocolate shavings or sprinkles if desired.
  7. Serve immediately while hot and bubbly.

Tips for an Even More Delicious Cappuccino Royale

If you’re feeling adventurous, try out these additional tips and steps:

  • Use dark creme de cacao or white rum instead of traditional rum or brandy for added depth of flavor.
  • Make it an iced cappuccino royale by blending the mixture with ice cubes before filling glasses.
  • To make your dessert extra special, place cookie sticks into each cup to create a fancy coffee cookie combo!

Substitutions and Variations

 A classic cappuccino just got a whole lot fancier 👑
A classic cappuccino just got a whole lot fancier 👑

Are you looking to switch things up and add a personal touch to your Cappuccino Royales? There are plenty of substitutions and variations you can make to this recipe to make it unique and tailored to your tastes.

Firstly, let’s talk about the espresso. If you don’t have access to an espresso machine or don’t have the time to brew a fresh cup, instant coffee can be substituted. Simply dissolve 2 teaspoons of instant coffee in hot water and add it to the recipe.

For those who enjoy a boozy kick in their coffee, rum can be replaced with brandy or rum extract. Adding a flavored syrup such as vanilla or hazelnut can also give your Cappuccino Royales a unique touch.

In terms of variations, why not try making an Iced Cappuccino Royale for those hot summer days? Simply pour your mixture over ice and blend until smooth for a chilled treat. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, add some chocolate chips or caramel sauce for an indulgent twist.

For those with dietary restrictions, this recipe can easily be made vegan by substituting butter with margarine and using plant-based milk instead of half-and-half.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to making variations to this classic drink. With some experimenting, you’ll never run out of new flavors to try.

Serving and Pairing

 Elevate your morning coffee routine with cappuccino royales 👌🏼
Elevate your morning coffee routine with cappuccino royales 👌🏼

Now that you have made the perfect cappuccino royale, the question is how to serve and pair it? When it comes to serving, these royales are best enjoyed hot! You can garnish them with some cocoa powder or cinnamon for an extra touch of flavor and aesthetics. Another option is to serve them with some cappuccino cookies or cookie sticks, which complement the flavors with their textures.

When it comes to pairing, these decadent royales pair well with chocolate desserts: creme brulee, brownies or chocolate chip cookies all make for great cappuccino royal companions. For those who prefer tea, a good earl grey tea complements these royales’ subtle espresso notes. And for those who love hot chocolate, consider spicing things up by adding a shot of espresso to your hot chocolate!

Lastly, let’s not forget that these cappuccino royales can also be enjoyed cold. To create a refreshing iced cappuccino royal, simply pour the prepared drink over some ice cubes and add milk froth on top to create a creamy and delicious cafe latte-like beverage.

Enjoy your homemade cappuccino royales in your favorite coffee cup and savor every last sip.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Frothy, creamy goodness in every sip 🤤
Frothy, creamy goodness in every sip 🤤

If you want to make this delightful cappuccino royales recipe ahead of time, you can do so by preparing the coffee mixture and storing it separately from the whipped cream. Simply cover the mixture and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

When it’s time to serve, prepare the whipped cream as instructed in the recipe, and then layer it over the cold coffee mixture before serving.

If you have any leftover cappuccino royales, you can store them in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Keep in mind that the whipped cream may deflate a bit during storage, but it should still taste delicious.

To reheat your leftover cappuccino royales, transfer them to a microwave-safe dish and heat for 20-30 seconds until warm. Alternatively, you can warm them over low heat on a stove until they reach your desired temperature.

However, be cautious not to overheat the eggs in this recipe or they will cook and curdle the mixture. It’s better if you reheat them gently. You can also enjoy these cappuccino royales chilled as an iced dessert drink or freeze them into popsicles for another way to enjoy this classic treat.

Overall, this recipe is great for entertaining because you can prepare it ahead of time and have it ready to serve whenever you’re ready. And don’t worry about storing leftovers – these delicious cappuccino royales are sure to be gobbled right up!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Treat yourself to a luxurious cappuccino royale today 💎
Treat yourself to a luxurious cappuccino royale today 💎

When it comes to creating the perfect cappuccino royale, there are a few tricks and tips that can take your coffee game up a notch. As a barista with extensive experience making this classic beverage, I’ve learned a thing or two over the years. Here are my top tips for achieving incredible results every time:

1. Use freshly brewed espresso

If you want to make the perfect cappuccino royale, you need to start with a good espresso shot. Using freshly brewed espresso will give your drink a rich, bold flavor that can’t be achieved by using pre-made coffee or even instant coffee. Trust me, the extra effort is worth it!

2. Froth your milk properly

No cappuccino royale is complete without some frothy milk. To achieve that signature velvety texture and creamy taste, you need to properly froth your milk. Use a milk frother or steam wand to create small bubbles in the milk until it becomes thick and creamy.

3. Invest in quality ingredients

When it comes to creating great-tasting coffee, quality ingredients are key! Don’t skimp on the good stuff – use high-quality espresso beans, fresh milk, and real creme de cacao to create an unforgettable beverage.

4. Experiment with flavored syrups

Flavored syrups are an excellent way to add some variety and fun to your cappuccino royale recipe. From caramel and vanilla to hazelnut and chocolate, there are endless options to choose from. Feel free to experiment and find your favorite flavor combination!

5. Don’t overcrowd your cup

Cappuccino royales are traditionally served in smaller cups than regular lattes or mochas. Don’t try to fit too much liquid into one cup – this will dilute the flavors and compromise the taste of your coffee.

By following these simple tips, you can create a delicious cappuccino royale that will impress even the most discerning coffee lover!


Before we wrap up, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about this cappuccino royales recipe. These questions will help to dispel any doubts or uncertainties you may have had about making this recipe and give you the confidence to create an excellent cappuccino royale at home.

How to make the best cappuccino?

When preparing a cappuccino, it’s important to heat up the milk to a temperature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is optimal because the milk will be hot to the touch without boiling. After heating, froth the milk using your preferred method until it is very foamy. For the perfect cappuccino, aim for a ratio of ⅓ espresso, ⅓ steamed milk and ⅓ foam. Serve and enjoy!

How do you make a cappuccino step by step?

Alright, let’s start by getting that milk nice and chilled. Pop it in the fridge for a bit while we continue with the next steps.

Now, it’s time to really get those coffee beans going! Grind them up until they’re at the perfect consistency for your preferred brewing method.

Once you’ve got those grounds taken care of, give them a good tamp down to ensure an even extraction. This step is critical in achieving a rich and balanced flavor.

While you wait for the espresso shot to pull, don’t forget to prep your cup. This will prevent any unwanted heat loss and maintain the temperature of your drink.

Ah, now it’s time for my favorite part – pulling the shot! Make sure to time it just right to avoid any bitterness or over-extraction.

Next up, let’s get that milk steamed. This process requires a bit of finesse, as you want to achieve that perfect microfoam texture without scalding the milk.

Finally, pour that silky smooth milk over your espresso shot and voila! You’ve got yourself a delicious and perfectly crafted drink. Don’t forget to admire the resulting latte art, if you’re so inclined.

What kind of milk do Italians use in cappuccino?

When it comes to making a perfectly rich and creamy cappuccino, the key ingredient is the whole milk. Its high protein content provides the perfect base for creating a dense and velvety foam. In Italy, there are two variations of cappuccino to choose from: the cappuccino chiaro, which is a lighter version, and the cappuccino scuro, which is slightly darker. Let me share with you some tips on how to make the perfect cappuccino.

How to make a cappuccino like the Italians?

When it comes to crafting an exceptional cappuccino, the right ratio of ingredients is crucial. A great cappuccino should consist of 1/5 espresso coffee, 2/5 hot milk, and 2/5 frothy foam. To achieve this balance, you’ll need to follow specific quantities for each ingredient. Aim for roughly 25 ml of espresso coffee, accompanied by 100-140 ml of beautifully frothed milk.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, the Cappuccino Royales Recipe is the perfect way to enjoy a cup of coffee that is both indulgent and satisfying. With its rich flavor and creamy texture, this recipe is sure to impress even the most discerning coffee lover. The combination of instant coffee powder, dark creme de cacao, and white rum creates a unique and sophisticated flavor profile that can’t be found anywhere else.

As I’ve outlined in this recipe article, creating a delicious Cappuccino Royale at home is easier than you think. With the right ingredients, tools, and knowledge, anyone can become a barista in their own right. And with so many variations and substitutions available, you can customize this recipe to fit your own taste preferences.

So why not try making a batch of Cappuccino Royales at home? You’ll impress your friends and family with your newfound baking skills, and you’ll get to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at the same time. And who knows–you could even start experimenting with other coffee-based treats and beverages like iced cappuccinos, coffee cookies or cafe lattes!

In any case, I hope that you’ve found this recipe article helpful and informative. Whether you’re an experienced baker or a novice barista, there’s always something new to learn about the world of coffee. So why not take a chance on this elegant and indulgent recipe–you won’t regret it!

Cappuccino Royales Recipe

This is a yummy recipe from Joanne Flukes’ ‘Key Lime Pie Murder’

  • 2 cups butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup instant coffee
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 teaspoons rum (or you can use extract or brandy)
  • 3 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3 cups milk chocolate chips
  • 5 1/2 cups flour
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Mix instant coffee, vanilla and rum with the melted butter while it is still warm and allow coffee crystals to dissolve.
  3. Add sugar, eggs, soda and powder, mixing well.
  4. Stir in chocolate chips.
  5. Add flour gradually.
  6. Form dough into small balls, rolling in granulated sugar if desired.
  7. Place onto greased cookie sheet and flatten slightly.
  8. Bake 9-11 minutes and allow to cool for a couple minutes before moving to a cooling rack.
< 30 Mins, Cookie and Brownie, Dessert

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